DeathMatch Arenas
Arenas are free-for-all deathmatches that take place inside an established area. Kits are given randomly, and deleted upon event close. The top three winners get their choice of a prize from a selection which is seen by typing /claim. Winners of the previous event can be seen using /winners. After winning an event, you have 15 minutes to claim your prize or it will be automatically forfeited.
Most events are won by most kills though can also be configured to be won by last man standing. Event mode will be specified at the top of the screen upon joining an event.
Please note that Deathmatch arenas have limited spots, with 5 reserved for donators. You can join an event by typing /event. We suggest you bind this to a key to avoid missing events!

Want to show your skill in 1v1 matches? Come on over and show us what you've got. Type /duel and read up on how the system works. Afterwards, type /duel allow and either request a duel with another player, or type /q to enter the dueling queue.
You can also type /duel ladder to see your standing on the leaderboard, and fight for the Duelist title of the week! The top 3 Duelists each week will receive this colored title in chat. You can also bet items on duels, using /duel bet. You cannot place bets against friends, shared players of the demolish tool, or members of your clan.
Duels take place within the arena walls. You must be naked to duel. Random kits are provided for all duelists. Once you leave, your kit is deleted, and you go back to where you joined from.
Players who rank in the top 3 receive the new 'Duelist' title each week for one week.
2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 team deathmatch dueling can be initiated by typing /tdm.
Every week, from Monday to wipe on Thursday, we run a Battlefield Arena.
When the Battlefield event is enabled players may respawn without using a sleeping bag to participate. Players who do this will be automatically teleported into the arena with a full battlefield kit. You must have at least 1 sleeping bag down to be eligible to participate. You can leave the arena by spawning in a sleeping bag, or by typing /beach.
The top 3 players with the most kills FROM KILLS INSIDE THE ARENA will receive the PvP tag award. Kills outside of the arena (/top) will not count. To track your kills use /bf while the Battlefield event is enabled. During this time, Deathmatch events will be disabled.
Save your preferred kit loadout for the Battlefield event by using /savekit. If for some reason you mess up your kit, type /removekit battlefield, and respawn.
Note: Arenas and duels are often being tested. Please submit bug reports as you encounter them. Thank you!