Player Survey Results
We’re happy to announce that we got a total of 52 responses! This exceeded the turnout of any of our previous surveys, and we’re happy that many of you chose to give your input and help improve DeadLaugh. Please note that we read and considered every response and will be working on balancing things to keep everyone happy and keep the server, and the PvP on it, flourishing.

Stack Sizes
One of the things we have been discussing the most is our current stack sizes. We recognize they can seem high, and some people dislike them. However, a surprising 77% of players surveyed said they liked our current stack sizes. The players that said they disliked them seemed to lean toward lowering them quite drastically, with the most common answer being 5k or 10k. Since the majority seem to want to keep them as they are, we will not be changing them, but we will be keeping an eye on the issue and possibility doing another survey regarding it in the future.
Component Spawns
Balancing component spawns has been a big worry for us as of late. While before, we had increased server XP rates, the component system has brought an entirely new system to the table. The general consensus seems to be, from the survey results, are that people are either happy with the rates or would like them to be slightly more. Based on these answers, we plant to raise component spawns slightly and/or increase the chance at which they are found. Stay tuned for more info as we implement this over the next week.
Wipe Cycle
While 62% of people said they liked the current one-week wipe cycles, 23% said they didn’t. The main reason stated was that components are too hard to come by, only further our point above that they should be slightly more abundant. We think that by increasing component rates, many players who wish for longer wipes will find themselves satisfied.
Hey i really am a big fan of this server, but these being said this server has serous problem with pop. falling off Monday of the wipe cycle.
Couple things I think need to address with components system is getting a plugin that allows you to gather components at 5x rate and also stack components.
Something i think will help the server Pop. stay high is moving to a 2 week wipe cycle. This will allow people who get wiped on day 3 to not stop and just wait till the next wipe cycle.
This my personal feeling about the state rust doesn’t really have to do with the server, but the component system is killing rust as clan we used to love doing active online raid and now the risk reward is way to great to do active raid… made rust boring. All you do is roaming group trying not to get killed on rad runs and farming even more. I like the game when it was simple and you could have bad wipe cycle. Hopefully the game changes soon back to its roots.
Thank you for the feedback!