Minimum Server Lag!
Server Performance
After Destiny finished talking with AliStar (Facepunch Q.A.) about the RUST bug we mentioned in last week’s devblog, they issued a quick fix for the issue. We stared at the server’s fps at high peek and noticed that the performance was far better than it was last week. Last week’s server fps at high peek was sitting at 12-80 fps and yesterday it was at 200+! Thank you Facepunch for listening to your community!
Our Donation System Overhaul
After a couple incidents where players were donating 1c to us and issuing a refund, we had to do a overhaul on our donation system. We now only display the packages that you can purchase and the prices of the packages adjust based on how much you have already donated. If you already had $13.11 on your account then the Donator package will not be displayed for you and the Support package will be priced at $1.89 because the Supporter package is priced at $15.00 ($15.00 – $13.11 = $1.89). To purchase a package, you simply hover your mouse cursor over the image of crate of the donation package you wish to purchase then drag it to the bottom of the screen and drop it into the container. A dialog box will appear shortly after, asking if you are sure that you want to purchase the selected package. If you wish to purchase the pack then you will want to click the button labeled purchase.
ClanBattles Is Paused
We are taking a week break from ClanBattles because our Developer is going to do some small adjustments to the plugin.