Clan Battles Update

We’ve launched the official Clan Battles website, where you will find info on how to participate in Clan Battles, leaderboards, hints and more! This is a work in progress so don’t be afraid to check back regularly as we update it.
Also, we’ve changed how Clan Battles works. You no longer have to sign up to participate. Simply join a clan with three or more members, and head to the assigned monument and capture the flag! You will automatically be put into the database and can continue earning points toward the leaderboard!
We originally designed (and explained) that players in the event would be put into different groups and would be invisible at the monuments. We discovered this wasn’t feasible, and have taken out the system entirely. You will always see players at monuments, even when capturing flags! This should encourage PVP, since the spawning of flags is announced to the whole server!
Huge props to Dyceman for getting this going!
Event Powerups

Nivex introduced his Event Powerups this week! These are flags that will spawn randomly at events, and give players temporary boosts and healing. The colors and buffs are as follows:
Black Flag – Invulnerability Buff – Immune to one attack
Red Flag – Berserker Buff – Damage increased by 20% for one attack
Green Flag – Health Pack – +25 Health
Blue Flag – Health Pack – +50 Health
Magenta Flag – Health Pack – Full Health
Type /powerups in-game to see more info!
QOL Fixes
/tchat will toggle chat. Keep in mind you still need to do /deaths to turn deathnotes on and off.
Server performance
First things first – we are well aware that last week’s wipe was plagued with server performance issues. We’ve been making changes to our plugins, and keeping an eye on our dedicated box to keep things running smoothly. FPS is much higher this week, so we will continue to monitor it closely.
Donation Package Changees
We’re currently working on updating our DonationHub and making it more user-friendly. We’re also changing up the donation packages – donating more will get you higher perks! We are staying away from Kits/Items as promised, so do not fear! Stay tuned for changes coming soon.